By all accounts today is significant, but it is especially so for me.
Today is my 40th birthday.
I celebrated with my family already last weekend and I enjoyed tons of well wishes and cake at work today, but despite all the exhortations from female friends who've already hit this milestone, I don't feel liberated. I have instead been unable to shake the melancholy that has plagued me since waking: it is nearly bedtime and I still feel unsettled.
I am happy enough, but not knowing if my family is complete leaves me unable to exhale and ill-equipped to make grand declarations about what the next year or the next decade will bring.
I cannot help remembering that last year I was so rushed on my birthday that I completely forget it until my sweet mother-in-law forced me to slow down for a birthday kiss: little did I know it would be the last one I would ever receive from her.
So what if I never expected my life would look like this at 40 - that's hardly surprising is it?
Just last weekend, between bites of an early birthday cake, my father quoted me an old saying that has rung in my ears all day today: "The secret to being happy in life is not getting what you want, but being happy with what you get."
And in the absence of grand declarations, that, I think, will be my mantra for the coming year and hopefully for all those that follow it.

Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, the second that's passed since I've known you. That's kind of significant. The number 40, not so much. :}
I hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!
Happy birthday. I hope that 40 is your best year yet!
happy birthday, sweetheart.
Happy birthday girlfriend!
Happy Birthday! I hope you can find PEACE and JOY during your 40th year.
(My 40th birthday is tomorrow!)
Welcome to the 40 is fabulous club! (or at least that is what I am telling myself.) :)
Hope your weekend is wonderful!
I think I know what you mean.
Happy Birthday - hope it's a good year for you.
Happy Birthday girl!! I hope this one is fantastic!
Happy Birthday!!!
Those are wise words. We would all do well to remember them.
I hope you had a good day Kelly! Happy Birthday and here's to being Fabulously Forty! (as you are...) :)
I think 40 is one of the best ages. Mature enough to "get" it, but young & fun enough to do it. ~Mary
Happy Birthday sweetie! I'm so sorry I'm writing this a day late. I'm almost totally out of the bloggy world, so I miss all the updates.
I wish you all the best for this year. I've heard that women in their 40s are at their prime! I'm holding on to that as I run full tilt into mine in the next couple years.
I think that's a perfect motto for life. Happy, happy birthday, my sweet friend. Happy birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!
That saying your dad quoted is perfect, but I have to say far easier said than done.
As Elaine siad, you are fabulous at 40 (and all other ages too!).
I know how heavily these things can weigh on us, especially when we look at the "milestones". But at 30 I was better able to handle the things I thought I couldn't at 20. I'm hoping that 40, despite all its challenges, presents you with the strength and determination to make things happen.
Happy birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!
I hope that whatever the future brings you are able to live by that motto.
Happy birthday! Forty is 'meh' but you're not. Have a fantastic year! xoxo
40 is one of those milestones, that even if everything his good and grand in life... It still leaves you with that feeling.
Not that I am 40 yet. Hubby turns 40 next week. And, he has shown these little signs of some kind of uneasiness. He's happy with everything. He just feels the '40' coming.
I love the mantra your Dad shared with you. That is rings so sweetly true.
Happy Birthday, Gal. And, all the Happy that goes with another year. :-)
Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one!
I remember that post last year.
Happy Birthday for the second year in a row and HUGS honey.
I know that today is emotional in many ways for you. xoxo
Happy birthday! Hope your year is truly a great one.
Happy Birthday my Canadian friend! That is a perfect mantra to live by. May this year be filled with nothing but good stuff.
That is an excellent way to look at life...I'm trying to teach my kids to be happy with what they already have too.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was great..
You're beautiful. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
I've been missing my DMD, my son 'poured' coffee on my cute little netbook - the little monster.
Happy Birthday, Kelly. Hope it was as wonderful as you deserve.
Hope it was a great day/weekend!
Happy Birthday!
I think that's a fantastic mantra. Your dad is a wise man.
Happy birthday. At 38, almost there, I can relate. I think melancholy is part of your forties. But people say peacefulness is part of your fifties, so we have something to look forward to. :)
Great mantra! I'm learning to apply that myself. Hope you had a great day!
Oh I do LOVE that. I hope that you don't mind me borrowing that one?
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Kelly! Hugs
And what a wonderful mantra that will be. Happy belated birthday!
Belated HB, Kel. :-)
may the next ten bring you much happiness and fulfillment.
I'm sorry for missing this! I hope you had a wonderful day!
I'm a few days late in reading this, but Happy Birthday and hope you had a wonderful day. Ahhhhh, to be that YOUNG again! It shocks me to no end to think that was FIFTEEN years ago for me!!!!!
Happy Birthday...and great quote from Dad:)
Happy 40th birthday to you, and many more. What your father said? Beautiful! Word to live by...
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