Many, many moons ago, before Graham developed his fixation on a certain comely neighborhood girl, he had another obsession.
And this obsession. I think, may well outlast his affection for any girl he has met or has yet to meet. This obsession, after all, has persevered since the very beginning of his short life; from the very first time he started to become capable of making his wants and desires known.
Graham is a balloon-a-holic.
He has been since birth and still is, as evidenced by the picture below taken at the birthday party for the daughter of a dear bloggy friend last weekend.
Yes, during a birthday party featuring wonderful food, tons of kids and a magic show with doves, a rabbit and an iguana, my boy spent most the time fixated on his first, true love.
Oh well, odds are balloons will never throw him over for the captain of the football team, right?

Oh, balloons are lovely, aren't they?
I also love balloons. I always want the darkest red ones I can find, they remind me of little flowers
As I type this, a yellow balloon is fluttering about in my midst. We just have them on hand. What's not to love? Has he discovered water balloons? Heaven, methinks.
Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words! Adorable.
That is iNCREDIbLY sweet.
Great picture!! ...and what kid does not love balloons??
AWWW! I hope he took some home with him!
And yeah, the strings were left long for just that purpose. Graham and Peanut definitely share a passion there... ;)
This is truly a blissful, charming relationship he has going on! Love this!
That's a fabulous picture.
What a great shot. Balloons are so much fun. Unless you're practicing with blowing them up for brass class...then they make you light headed.
My Fifi loves balloons too. Obsessed actually. And she is a fun loving girl. That last photo of G is pure awesomeness.
That photo is priceless. My kids are obsessed too.
Screw the balloons -- how's that potty training going? My boy was late, too, not with the poo, but with the pee. And when he got really resistant, he'd poo in his pants.
The way we worked through it involved some sacrifice on my part, though it was shortlived. When he peed in his pants, I would act extremely worried and say that we couldn't go out for the rest of the day in case that happened in public, which would be unimaginably hard for Mama. And, if it happened in public, we would leave immediately and stay home for the whole day. After a few times of not getting to go to parties, playdates, the park, etc., he wised up.
Graham's problem, however, sounds like it could be more tricky. If he's holding his BM for several days on end, this is a physical problem as well as a mental one. He's stubborn, yes, but what is the root problem? Is he afraid? Is it a scary feeling to defecate? I knew a little girl who had trouble being potty trained on the BM; she held it, too, and when it finally came, she cried terribly.
In the end, know that Graham will work through it. Even if you're working on it for a while longer. I would advise trying to make it manageable for YOU -- helping Graham is important, but try to keep your expectations in check, so you don't get too upset. He will probably clench up more the more he sees you upset.
With my 3-yr-old grandson Dylan it's garbage trucks! On garbage pick-up day we have to run outside so he can follow the several trucks that pass by our house as they work their way down our street. One worker even stops his truck and lets Dylan push the buttons and pull a lever! When we're out walking just about every garbage man we see driving by honks and waves at us, haha!
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