In view of the gross misinformation flying around the media and in the interest of both clarifying the truth and preserving the love and respect of all my American readers and friends, I am interrupting this blog and its musings on life and death and parenting to make a short political statement.
Check it:
Not one of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks entered the United States through Canada's borders.
None, nada, nil...nope.
Not one.
Are you listening Janet Napolitano and John McCain?
I hope so. Because when you start talking smack like that it wounds me.
It wounds us all.
Now back to regularly scheduled programming.

Well said. How many times do these claims have to be debunked? Yeesh.
And see, the regular programming is much more intelligent. And colorful. ;)
Ugh. I saw that one too.
::eye roll::
So I guess since we're not meeting tomorrow I don't get one of those tasty cupcakes, huh? ;)
i hope they listen.
kinda want a cupcake....
The truth is... the only time you hear the american media mention Canada - it's for the wrong reasons.
I lived in Virginia for 5 years, and the only time Canada was mentioned was for Mad Cow, SARS and of course the 'cold weather system coming down from Canada'
YES! How long will that pinhead hold onto that piece of not-news?
Seriously, McCain, YOU LOST. Now go slink away like a good little critter-under-a-rock.
I'm disappointed in Napolitano for saying that. (Doesn't surprise me from McCain.)
No really. Needs to be pointed out.
On behalf of America-
Janet Napolitano is an idiot. McCain needs to take a nap.
We love Canada.
Shoot. You said something political and then lost me at the cupcakes...
What a great picture! I don't see how you do it. I get frustrated with American politics, and I live here. Don't think I'd pay much attention at all if I didn't.
Ugh, I hate that! Thanks for the clarification:)
And yummy! I hope you saved one for me!
I like the regularly scheduled stuff--what a cutie. He's getting so big--when your online friend's kids are growing up too fast, is that a sign that you aren't making the blog rounds fast enough? I hope you had a nice Easter!
Yeah, but I hear that the swine flu came into the US from Canada! What do you have to say for yourself now?
(Totally kidding!!! I didn't really hear that.)
Mmmmm. Those cupcakes look delicious. And Graham's face is a dead giveaway as to if he's tried one already.
Where would the political pundits be without misinformation and fear-mongering?
So do those cupcakey-things mail out to BC?
I'm glad Graham let you step away from that very important task for that very very important public service announcement.
(glad to see there's more blue on the cupcakes than on his face, for you, I mean :)
Are they also talking about our igloos and lack of telephone service??
I don't put much stock in what Janet Napolitano says. She thinks that pro life conservatives are extremist terrorists. Ya know, whatever. I'm surprised at McCain though. On behalf of my country, I apologize. I for one like our Canadian neighbors :) Great post.
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